Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What is a P&G Catalina and How can I use it?

What is a Catalina?
A Catalina or Coupon looks like the picture above. They print out at HEB after you pay and the cashier hands to you along with your receipt.

How can I use my P&G Catalinas?
These Catalinas can only be used during a certain period which is generally a 2 week period. Dates are on Catalina on fine print and you can only be used on a purchase of $30 or more only. 
For more info on how to get a P&G Catalina go here. 
You cannot use 1, 2, 3 or more in a same transaction.
So let me give you an example, I have 3 $10 off any $30+ Catalinas and I will use 1 to buy $30 or more in meat, chicken, or seafood and use 1 $10 Catalina so that I can pay $20 for different meats. What I like to do is buy a package of $7 hamburgers, a package of $4 Salmon, a $5 whole chicken until I reach my $30.
Next Catalina I like to use on Combo Deals because I can pinch my pennies even more like this one. The final Catalina I use on the rest of my shopping trip that I do or do not have coupons for. Just as long as I break my shopping cart into 3 different transactions with all my Catalinas ready with coupons, I will always have a successful shopping trip. 
If you will be using more than 1 catalina in a trip I suggest you let your cashier know you will be doing x amount of transactions and that you have a handful of coupons ready. Also be courteous to those in back of you and let them know you will be doing x amount of transactions and using a handful of coupons so that they won't be upset that your transactions are taking more than they thought they would spent at checkout. I have had many thank me and leave to another checkout and others say they want to see my savings so they stay.

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