

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Matcha Powder Drink is my favorite!

I woke up this morning with a lot of energy because I had my matcha powder drink mixed with my new favorite Gatorade Cucumber Lime flavor. Matcha Powder is so healthy for you because it boosts your memory and concentration, detoxifies body, lowers cholesterol, and other good things.
I first tried it at Starbucks when they used to sell the Venti Iced Water with Matcha Powder for $.87 but now they have since raised the price. 
So I searched for some Matcha at my local Asian Market and they had the small tin can for $6.99. Which is perfect for me because I carry it in my purse all the time. 
The large bag is usually abut $45.00ea. 
I have not yet tried in a latte but I will once the weather starts cooling. I also found these delicious Kit Kat bars made from Matcha. 
This product is a must try!

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